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Goa Solar Policy – 2017 (Amended)

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Nodal Agency

Goa Energy Development Agency (GEDA)                                  &

Department of Electricity(GED)  

Policy Period               

7  Years from DOI.


Eligible Entities

All registered companies, government entities, partnership companies/firms, individuals and consumers of EDG.  

Type of Solar Power Plant and Target Capacity





Prosumers (LT or HT)


Below 100 kW-LT

Above 100 kW-HT


Producers who sell power to DISCOMs by reverse bidding or through PPAs.


100 kW+


Sale of solar power to third party


Not mentioned.


Solar Rooftop Projects - Gross/Net metering

Not mentioned.


Rooftop Solar Generation


Not mentioned.


  • Subsidy of 50% of the capital cost of the project with respect to the benchmark set by MNRE for prosumers having SPP of capacity up to 100 kW.
  • Subsidy by the state government for off-grid solar projects but no payment in regard to Gross/Net metering. 

Energy Banking

Not mentioned




Solar Parks

Not mentioned.

Application Fees of PV Projects

Not mentioned. 


Not mentioned.

Grid Connectivity, Safety and Billing Cycle

  • The cumulative solar capacity allowed at a particular Distribution Transformer (DT) shall not exceed 30% of the peak capacity of the DT.
  • GED will undertake power cable connectivity and charge it to the installer along with installation charges.
  • Billing cycle of small prosumers, large prosumers and producers would be on a monthly basis and settlement would be in the next 30 days for small prosumers and producers, and for large prosumers, it would be 6 months.
  • All grid-connected and battery backup stand-alone installations, all instrumentation, operating unit specifications and safety norms will be checked as per the guidelines of JERC and MNRE by GED.

Land Provision under 

  • Conversion of land is not needed.
  • No Town and Country Planning (T&PC) permission required for setting up solar projects.
  • For rooftop solar above 100 kW capacity, a building structure stability certificate is required.
  • No Gram Panchayat/Urban Local Body/T&CP department construction license/NOC/Completion Certificate will be required.
  • The lease/rent agreed between the solar power producer and the Communidade will have to be approved by the state government.
  • A separate policy will be formulated for the allotment of government-owned land or buildings.


Administrative Modalities

  • Every prosumer and producer will have to enter into a PPA with the GED for a period of 25 years.
  • The tariff will remain fixed for the period and power generated reports will need to be submitted annually before the year-end.


Solar Manufacturing

Not mentioned.




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Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

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