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Draft Indian Wind Turbine Certification Scheme 2018

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Nodal Agency


National Institute for Wind Energy  (NIWE)

Applicable Technologies


New and existing wind turbines.

Scheme Period


From the date of notification of the scheme till further notification.



  • Comprehensive certification scheme for:
    • Indian type wind turbines
    • Prototype wind turbines
    • Wind power projects
    • Wind turbine safety and performance


Validity of Certificates


  • Type certificates – not exceeding 5 years.
  • Prototype certificates – not exceeding 3 years.
  • Project certificates – not exceeding the design life of various components.
  • Safety and performance assessment certificates – 2 years or as mentioned in the certificate.


Transition Period


  • Wind turbines already included in the Revised List of Models and Manufacturers (RLMM) – one revision of type certificate or for a period of three years from effective date of implementation of IWTCS, whichever is earlier.
  • Inclusion in RLMM/ Indian Type Approved Model (ITAM) – 6 months from the effective date of implementation of IWTCS.





Recognized Certification Schemes


  • Indian Type Certification Scheme (ITCS) as per IS /IEC 61400- 22.
  • IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in Renewable Energy Applications (IECRE) - Type and Component Certification Scheme.
  • IEC/GL Schemes – for models already included in the RLMM and having type certificates or under certification.



  • Original equipment manufacturers
  • Developers
  • Investors
  • Testing laboratories
  • Certification bodies
  • Utilities, SNAs, IPPs, owners, authorities, financial institutions,

insurers, etc.


Authoritative Bodies


  • National Accreditation Board for Laboratories for testing agencies
  • National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) /Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for certification bodies


Certification Body


NIWE or any CB accredited by NABCB/BIS as per ISO/IEC 17065

or recognized as Renewable Energy Certification Body (RECB) under IECRE.


Design modification


Design modification in the existing type certified wind turbines include:

  • A change in rotor diameter of more than 2%.
  • A change in rotor rotational speed of more than 2%.
  • A different design of the safety system.
  • A different way of limiting the power output.
  • Modified blade profiles.
  • Modifications which lead to a significant increase in the load spectrum

(a change of 5% in the load value in any of the load cases shall be

considered as a significant change).

  • Increase of power output by more than 5%.
  • Major changes in the wind turbine design.


Operating Bodies


  • For certification – any certification body accredited as per ISO/IEC 17065

or accepted as RECB under IECRE/NIWE.

  • For type testing – any testing body accredited as per ISO/IEC 17025
  • or accepted as Renewable Energy Testing Laboratory (RETL) under IECRE/NIWE.










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