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Andhra Pradesh Wind Policy - 2015

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Nodal Agency

New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh ltd.

Applicable Technologies

Wind power , solar-wind hybrid, repowering

Policy Period

13thFebruary 2015 - 13thFebruary 2020

Targets under Policy

Not specified

Incentive Amount

No capital subsidy

Eligibility Conditions

Companies, joint venture companies, central and state power generation/distribution companies and public/private sector wind power developers

Capacity Allotment

0-40 MW – approval by NREDCAP


Tax Exemptions

Electricity duty exemption for sale to AP  DISCOMs.

Evacuation Arrangement





Solar wind hybrid, repowering has been encouraged. Suitable intra-state open access provisions have been made.

Category of Wind Power Projects

  • Category I: Projects set up in government/revenue lands or forest areas or assigned lands and also in private lands selling power within the state,
  • Category II: Captive use or group captive use/direct sale to third party within the state/states other than Andhra Pradesh..
  • Category III: Projects under Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism.

Evacuation arrangement

The developer shall bear the entire cost of construction of power evacuation facilities from the project up to the interconnection point and/or upto APTransco/DISCOM(s) substation. APTransco/DISCOM(s) will dispose the technical feasibility proposals for evacuation within 14 days from the date of receipt of application. Any upstream system strengthening requirement shall be borne by APTransco DISCOM(s) on a priority basis.


Other Incentives

T & D charges for wheeling: There will be no T&D charges for wheeling to the desired location(s) for captive use/third party sale within the state through grid. For sale outside the state charges will be applicable.

Energy Banking: Banking of 100% of energy shall be permitted throughout the year.  Charges shall be applicable @ 2% of the energy delivered at the point of drawl. Energy injected into the grid from date of synchronization to commercial operation date (COD) will be considered as deemed energy banking. The unutilized banked energy shall be considered as deemed purchase by DISCOMS on monthly basis. Drawl from banked energy shall not be permitted during fivemonth period from 1st April to 30th June and from 1st February to 31st March of each financial year. In addition, drawls of banked energy during the Time of the Day (ToD) applicable, as specified in the respective Retail Supply Tariff Order, shall also not be permitted throughout the year.

Manufacturing Facility: Priority allotment of government land on long term lease basis shall be given to facilities, along with electricity duty exemption for ten years.  

Open access

Intra-state clearance for the whole tenure of the project or 25 years, whichever is earlier, will be granted as per APERC regulations. In absence of any response or intimation from the nodal agency to the generator within 21 days, the project may be deemed open access. 

Timelines for project completion

Projects should be commissioned within 18 months from the date of possession of revenue lands and/or issue of power evacuation clearance (for private lands). If there is no development at the site, even after three years from the date of sanction, the site may be offered to another developer by the Nodal Agency.


Provision for policy review

The state government may undertake a review after a period of twoyears or as the need arises. 



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