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Andaman Nicobar Island Renewable Energy Policy - 2012

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Nodal Agency

Electricity Department of Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Applicable Technologies

New and renewable energy technologies

Policy Period

2012 – 2017 or until modified or superseded

Targets under Policy

25% energy generation through new and renewable energy sources by end of2017

Incentive Amount

As provided by MNRE (GoI), and A&N from time to time

Eligibility Conditions

Registered companies, corporations and cooperatives/registered societies, NGOs, local self- governments, partnerships and individuals

Tax Exemptions

  • As declared by GoI and A&N administration from time to time

  • Electricity duty exemption

Evacuation Arrangement

Developed and maintained by the developer




Land Acquisition

  • Developer to arrange at his own cost.

  • Government land lease rent will be charged @ Re.1 per month for the term of the project’s life.

Single Window Clearance

For all projectclearances.

Wheeling Charge

2% of energy fed into the grid.


For a period of one year



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'All About Renewables' aims to bring about a change in the way we 'look and search' for data on renewables today, by providing access to the latest developments in the renewable energy sector (specifically renewable electricity), along with cross-linkages to the conventional energy sector, all on one single platform... Read More


Plot No.44, Hindustan Estates,
Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

+91 20 26613855
+91 20 26613832