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Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission Open Access Regulations (Consolidated)

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Eligibility to seek Open Access

The licensees and the generating companies, including persons with connected capacity over 1 MW.

Electricity tariff

FY 2017-18


  • Domestic HT bulk consumers: Energy charge – Rs. 4.40 per unit.


Slab rate for energy charge for Industrial HT/EHT consumers

Load Factor



=< 60%






Connectivity charges and procedure

  • Any person, irrespective of capacity installed, shall have open access to any licensee’s transmission and/or distribution system.
  • Licensee shall provide appropriate interconnection facilities and meters.
  • Licensee shall be responsible for development of evacuation infrastructure beyond interconnection point, while developer shall be responsible up to interconnection point.

Nodal Agency

  • LTOA: State Transmission Utility (STU) if the transmission system is used. Else, the respective distribution licensee in whose area the point of drawal is located.
  • STOA: State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC).

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access

  • Applicability: The persons availing or intending to avail access to the intra-state transmission or distribution system for a period of twenty-five years or more.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency,
  • Nodal Agency: STU – If the transmission system is used; otherwise it is the respective distribution licensee in whose area the point of drawal is located.
  • Non-refundable application fee: Rs.1 lakh per MW for transmission access and Rs.50,000 per 500 kW for distribution access.
  • Time frame for processing the application: will be 30 days, and 90 days if system strengthening is required (from the date of request for strengthening studies).
  • The applicant shall reimburse the actual expenditure incurred by the nodal agency for system strengthening studies.
  • Exit options: Not without prior approval of the Commission and subject to payment of compensation, as may be determined by the Commission.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access


Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access

Applicability: Customer, other than long term, i.e. the person availing or intending to avail access to intra-state transmission or distribution system for a period of less than 25 years.

Applicant shall apply to nodal agency,

Nodal Agency: State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC).

Non-refundable application fee: Rs.5,000 (Five thousand).

Time Frame to process application:

Tenure of Contract

Maximum Processing Time (from end of the calendar month of submission)

Up to one day

12 hours

Up to one week

3 days

Up to one month

7 days

Up to one year

30 days

  • Exit and Capacity Reduction: By surrendering capacity to SLDC and bearing full transmission/distribution charges along with scheduling and other charges for original reserved capacity and period reserved.





Allotment priority

  • Long Term Open Access customers will have priority over Short Term Open Access customers.
  • Open access shall be allowed only after determining the capacity available in the intra-state transmission system and operational constraints.
  • In case of congestion: LTOA – Nodal agency shall carry system strengthening assessment to accommodate the applicant. (Licensee may require capital contribution from customer). STOA – Bids shall be invited to accommodate applicants.

Open Access charges (2017-18)

Name of Licensee

Wheeling charges (P/U), applied to HT consumer only

Transmission charges for STOA (HT and EHT consumers)



Rs.1,500/MW/day or Rs.62.5/ MWh.







  • 20% of wheeling charge is payable by consumer availing power from renewable energy, excluding cogeneration and biomass plants.


Cross Subsidy Surcharge:

  • No CSS for consumer availing renewable power.


Wheeling charges:

  • 20% of wheeling charges for renewable power (except cogeneration and biomass).


Additional Surcharge:

  • No additional surcharge over and above CSS for embedded licensee.

Scheduling and Metering


  • As per the State Grid Code.
  • STOA : Application fess of Rs. 5000 and Scheduling charges of Rs. 2000 per day or part thereof



  • Metering system capable of energy accounting for each time block of 15 minutes shall be provided at both supply and drawal points.

Energy losses

Transmission Losses:

  • Normative transmission loss - 3.50% for EHT.


Distribution Loss:

  • Normative wheeling loss – 8% for HT.

Imbalance and Reactive Energy charges

Imbalance Energy:

  • No banking facility for supply (third party sale) from renewable energy sources through open access.
  • For third party sale, energy generation from renewable energy sources in each 15-minute time block shall be set-off against the captive/open access user’s consumption in the same 15-minute time block.



The OERC (Term and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2005 :

OERC Tariff and Open Access Charges for 17-18 :

OERC (Procurement of Energy from Renewable Sources and its Compliances) Regulations, 2015 :

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